Health and Safety on construction sites has to be every developer’s number one priority. Every year there are tens of thousands of work related injuries on building sites, with 40 of them resulting in death in 2019/20. Many of this number can be attributed to a lack of health and safety measures.
Here are some of our top points for following health and safety, and to keep every person on site as safe as possible.
- PPE and Hi-Viz
Every time you enter a construction site you must wear PPE which includes a hard hat and Hi-Viz jacket or vest. Footwear must be construction standard – non slip soles with steel toe caps.
- Follow all Site Procedures
The first time you arrive at a new site, you will need to take an induction. This is so you are familiar with the safety practices and processes for that particular site. As all sites are different there is a legal requirement to have an induction for each new site you visit. All procedures are in place to ensure the safety of the workforce as well as the public.
- Report any faults
If you become aware of a problem with any aspect of a construction site, machinery or tools, then it is your duty to report it immediately. Action should be taken to resolve the problem at the first opportunity, however large or small.
- Work safely and be aware
When you work on any construction site you should be thinking about the safety of yourself as well as others. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, particularly if you’re using large pieces of equipment or machinery.
- Tidiness
Untidiness on sites can cause a number of accidents, particularly the aforementioned slips, trips, and falls. This shows that it is crucial that sites should be tidy, equipment stored securely and access and exit points are clear.
- Statistics and costs
Falling from heights accounts for 32% of work related injuries on construction sites. When working on scaffolding, take extra care that guard rails are secure.
Injuries that occur while handling, lifting, or carrying account for 27% of accidents, whilst a further 32% happen in slips, trips or falls. 13% of people injured on construction sites are struck by moving, flying or falling objects.
Around 2 million working days are lost each year because of workplace injury or work related illness – the economic cost is upwards of £1billion!
Here at Eynesbury Plant Hire we have extensive experience in providing plant hire and road sweepers for every kind of construction. Our whole fleet is maintained to the highest safety standards giving you peace of mind. Contact us here for more details.